The More Subtle Crisis Of The Hour.
There is a growing agitation and revolution against the corruption and perversion of the gospel of Christ by covetous preachers who peddle a polluted gospel, having turned the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ into a mere success key/kit for achieving one's ambitions and dreams in life. This polluted gospel has seen it's main proponents build great religious empires, and prosper/fare sumptuously in this world, while remaining so impoverished and destitute of the truth of the gospel. It is a gospel through which satan has subtly offered the world, it's wealth, glory and fame to preachers in exchange for true spiritual verities and the eternal hope. On the other hand, those riding in the current waves and tides, going against these gospel perverts and merchants are men of like passion, and not immune to embracing another side/facet of the hydra-headed/multi-faceted monster of corruption. We are not as many, which corrupt the word of God yet we are not immune from becoming on...