
Showing posts from July, 2018

The More Subtle Crisis Of The Hour.

There is a growing agitation and revolution against the corruption and perversion of the gospel of Christ by covetous preachers who peddle a polluted gospel, having turned the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ into a mere success key/kit for achieving one's ambitions and dreams in life. This polluted gospel has seen it's main proponents build great religious empires, and prosper/fare sumptuously in this world, while remaining so impoverished and destitute of the truth of the gospel. It is a gospel through which satan has subtly offered the world, it's wealth, glory and fame to preachers in exchange for true spiritual verities and the eternal hope. On the other hand, those riding in the current waves and tides, going against these gospel perverts and merchants are men of like passion, and not immune to embracing another side/facet of the hydra-headed/multi-faceted monster of corruption. We are not as many, which corrupt the word of God yet we are not immune from becoming on...

Prophetic Glimpse Of The Church In This Hour.

There has been a growth/expansion of the 'church' unto men/the world, and not unto the Lord; A strange/abnormal growth to merge the church with different 'spiritual heads' of men and not the One Head, which is Christ.  A growth unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of the world, to bring the church into a perfect marriage/union with the world's glory, influence, prosperity/wealth and governmental power/authority. The Lord however, has arisen to stop the furtherance of this strange growth/expansion, to resist the proud and lofty ones highly revered by men, as the leaders & champions of this strange cause/movement. They shall proceed no further, for the Lord has risen against them to put clogs in the wheels of their progress, in leading many to drown in the sea of apostasy and perdition. The growth/expansion heaven stands for is to grow the church back, as unto the Lord, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; to make read...

When Captors Masquerade As Deliverers.

By Ninyo Omidiji.  A peasant who becomes wealthy through "ministry"/church planting or pastoring, and a peasant who turns wealthy through politics, are both birds of a feather. They are both parasites and leeches,  enlarging at the expense of the system they are supposed to help feed and build.  They both leave victims/casualties in their wake. And their victims have many things in common. They have been deceived,  but they do not know it. They are ignorant, but they parade themselves as informed. They have been sold a dummy.  They do not even know that they are victims.   Sadly,  it is easier to fool a people, than to convince them that they have been fooled. History has proven this time and time again. Wealth has never been the goal of doing ministry, not the ministry of the kingdom of God. Definitely not the gospel. Neither should you join politics to become rich,  but to serve. Anyone who becomes rich through politics i...

Vox Populi, Vox Dei (How True Is It?)

Vox Populi, Vox Dei (How True Is It?) The popular saying, 'Vox Populi, Vox Dei' ( the voice of the people is the voice of God), is absolutely incorrect, non scriptural, and a devilish notion to deceive the masses.  This is a statement i have heard many times from my youth, and has been used by the devil to cunningly deceive people into believing that what is popular, generally accepted and preached by many, must be of God. From the earliest history of human/global civilisation, as captured in the book of Genesis 11, scriptures clearly show that the mind, will and voice of God, is not with the mass population. There we see how the whole world was of one language and one speech, yet their ambition, set goals and vision was contrary to God. Genesis 11:1-8 "And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, ...