May Day! Payday! (Prophecy in Poetry).
May Day! Payday! (Prophecy in Poetry).
Sometimes beginnings feel like endings and endings often feel like the most emptying experience.
It's a new month. Brace up World! Wake up Nigeria!
Sit up and listen up!
Your time to be released from the chains of an awful past, and the pains of a miserable present, has come.
You can't keep going the way you've always gone and known.
Rise up and shake up!
Rid yourself of torn garments
Rip apart the cloak of torments
Get off the back of old warhorses
Clear the mess in Augean stables
Jettison all that sell you for gains
Cast away their accursed wares
Shake and turn their filthy tables
No longer feed their insatiable cravingsNo longer heed their deceitful fables
They will not return to run
Their strongholds will burn
They fail in strength and faint
The wealth they took and spent
Can't spare them a day more to spend
Another day to wine and dine
Now, so hard to find in time
Take away their grin and smile
Let all they took away to hide,
Return to you as you rise to shine
Weep no more, this is your day
Your redeemer is on his way
His power to save does not wane
The earth brings her payback day
And all who wasted you, till you had no say
Will surely be made to wail and pay.
It's May Day! Payday!