
Showing posts from May, 2018

Times Of Intense Testing And Pressure(Pressured Jewels).

Times of intense testing and pressure are upon us; and these are days when nothing will truly stand in relation to God, and as being of God/bearing the name of God, except what is of Christ essentially and intrinsically. The imitation: so called 'christ' and 'christianity' with it's fruits(strange children/bar Jesus/sons of Jesus), is becoming manifest/seen for what it truly is, as it's true colour appears under the intense test and pressure from heaven. The voice, the definition and undeniable mark of the days we're in will be: what is of God, what was conceived and received in God, what originated/began in God and not in men. This will be the measure, the standard and dividing line; it will also be the defining/underlying principle of the switch and transition to all God and heaven will do/unfold in these last times; as heaven begins to move to expose, halt and overthrow things that are not of God, yet branded as being of God. It is a clear-cut tra...

Learn The Parable Of The Fig Tree(Time Is Short).

Learn The Parable Of The Fig Tree. In 1948 Israel budded again as a fig tree nation, after the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple and the dispersion in AD 70. 70 years ago(May 14, 1948), Israel was declared an independent state by David Ben-Gurion. Eleven minutes after the declaration, US President Harry Truman officially acknowledged Israel as a nation; but later regretted waiting so long to make that acknowledgement.  To Harry Truman, eleven minutes was so long a time, to have waited before acknowledging the declaration.  From Truman's acknowledgement 11 minutes after, to Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, 70 years after. No one who knows the scriptural significance of 70 years with respect to Jerusalem and Israel, would doubt that this is a very significant hour for Israel. The clamour of the Jews, to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, couldn't have been fulfilled until such a day and hour when Jerusalem prophetically enters it's...

May Day! Payday! (Prophecy in Poetry).

May Day! Payday! (Prophecy in Poetry). Sometimes beginnings feel like endings and endings often feel like the most emptying experience. It's a new month. Brace up World! Wake up Nigeria!  Sit up and listen up! Your time to be released from the chains of an awful past, and the pains of a miserable present, has come. You can't keep going the way you've always gone and known. Rise up and shake up! Rid yourself of torn garments Rip apart the cloak of torments Get off the back of old warhorses Clear the mess in Augean stables Jettison all that sell you for gains Cast away their accursed wares Shake and turn their filthy tables No longer feed their insatiable cravings No longer heed their deceitful fables They will not return to run Their strongholds will burn They fail in strength and faint The wealth they took and spent Can't spare them a day more to spend Another day to wine and dine Now, so hard to find in time Take awa...