21 Irrefutable Laws Of Hero Worship And Religious Brainwashing.
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Hero Worship And Religious Brain Washing.
1) Believe everything pastor says.
2) If you have any doubts as to what pastor says, blame the devil.
3) Do not ask questions.
4) Do not allow any question to enter your mind.
5) Everything pastor says, or, does, is right.
6) Anybody that asks pastor questions, or, has doubts in his mind, about the words/actions of pastor, is a devil.
7) Pastor does, or, says something that is obviously wrong ? Pray for pastor.
8) Attend Church at least five (5) days a week.
9) Pay your tithe, vows, Seed, donations, etc, but don't expect any form of accountability ; pastor doesn't owe you, or, any member of the Church, the duty to be accountable.
10) Between your family and the Church, the church comes first.
11) Your pastor knows everything.
12) Your pastor is your spiritual head and covering, so you have no divine security/covering in whatever you do without his approval.
13) Seek your pastors advice in everything from your health, money, family, in-laws, neighbors, colleagues, spouse, food, children, etc.
14) Do not criticise your pastor, not even constructively.
15) Read only the portion of the Bible that your pastor reads. Do not ever read, the verses before and after, the verses your pastor read.
16) Always give money to your pastor. Do not give money to any other person because they will use your money to "do juju".
17) This your total devotion and belief in your pastor, must be extended to ALL pastors.
18) Don't question any pastor, no matter how obvious, ridiculous or damaging, their words or actions are, to you and others.
19) Hate anybody who dares to ask questions or contradicts your pastor,or any pastor. They must be from the devil. In your heart, pray and wish for God to punish them with calamity for asking questions or contradicting your pastor.
20) Love only the people who think the way you do about your pastor and pastors generally. All others are of the Devil.
21) You can judge others but never judge a pastor as it is in the Bible; Judge not so that ye may not be judged.