What Kind Of Light: A HOLY City Or A SUCCESSFUL City?
By Oscar Nzeh.
Jesus said that we, His followers, are the Light of the World, a City set on a Hill.
Now before YOU DECIDE what kind of light we are, you have to first find out what kind of darkness is in the world, that the world is suffering from.
• Is the World in technological darkness?
Ask Elon Musk and find out about Space x and Artificial Intelligence.
• Is the World in Scientific Darkness? Well I'm using a Phone right now that Peter didn't have.
• Is the World In Medical darkness? They are now trying to transplant heads.
• Is the World in Educational darkness? I leave you to count their Universities and Research Facilities like the Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
• Is the world in philanthropic darkness? Bill Gates and Melinda foundation, Clinton foundation, Rockerfella foundation are leading. No matter where polio came from, Bill Gates personally removed it from Africa.
• Is the world in Industrial, Media, entertainment, agricultural etc Darkness?
Please what kind of darkness is the world suffering?
What kind of Light was Jesus? What mechanical, industrial, technological, political, scientific trails did Jesus blaze?
What is the one thing that the world no matter ALL they have and ALL they can do - what is that one thing they ALL suffer?
SIN (spiritual darkness, moral decay and lack of the knowledge of God = spiritual death)
What kind of light are we?
A HOLY city or SUCCESSFUL city?