
Showing posts from February, 2018

Time To Redeem The Time. Part 1.

Time To Redeem The Time. Ephesians 5:15-17   "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord  is ." Romans 13:11 " And that, knowing the time, that now  it is  high time to awake out of sleep: for now  is  our salvation nearer than when we believed." It is time to redeem the time, but we can only do so knowing what the will of the Lord is. Only those, who understand and know what the will of the Lord is, have the precision of divine counsel as to redeem the time by not doing guess works, going round in circles or getting involved in things, that are not in line with the divine will. When we lack the precision of heaven, we will merely embrace opportunities without knowing if they are in line with the will of the Lord or not; we will take decisions and embark on programs/projects, outside fellows...

The Blessedness Of Waiting And The Peril Of The Zeal To Manifest.

The disciples had been with Jesus for about three and a half years of his ministry walk; they were taught and discipled by him. They saw him heal the sick, raise the dead, and perform great wonders and miracles. They also saw and knew the frailty of his humanity, in times of hunger, in need, in lethargy needing rest, and even sleeping off while they were awake. Being glorified, through his death and resurrection, they saw and fellowshipped with him as risen and glorified; he showed himself alive to them by many infallible proofs, and was seen of them for forty days, during which he spoke and taught them things pertaining to the kingdom of God. Despite the wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience/encounter the disciples had with Christ, they were instructed of him not to go forth witnessing and manifesting after his ascension, but to wait for the advent of the HolySpirit to endue them with power from on high, and constitute them as witnesses. Nothing of heavenly account and reco...

The LABEL Religion.

Uduak Etuk I have a friend who has a certain proclivity for Ice Cream. But not just any sort of Ice Cream. There's a specific brand she likes with nuts and caramel. So one day, I decided to get her some for a girls night out. I got her the Ice Cream she liked, only I put it in a different container and gave it to her. First, she scrunched up her face in consternation that I didn't get her her brand but I told her it was indeed her preference and she should taste it and see So, she opened it up, tasted it and realized it was exactly what she loved BUT she couldn't get over the fact that it was in a different container which did NOT have the LABEL she was used to seeing, so she still didn't BELIEVE The following WEEK, I got her some more Ice Cream in the container and LABEL she was used to, only I switched the content with content from another brand. She smiled in appreciation, opened the container, tasted it and noted it was  A little off but inste...

The Elusive And Delusive Love In The Air.

The Elusive And Delusive Love In The Air.  It's that time of the year, we see all sorts of ridiculous themes and programs, organised by the lords and slaves of the 'churches'/houses of men. Programs designed to adapt to the weather, in the warmth of religious/secular festivity; and themes adopted to confirm to the trend of an elusive and delusive love in the air, which the prince of the power of the air savours. It is however, not a surprise to see the same power, which works in the children of disobedience, religiously and actively at work in the rebellious houses of men(so called 'churches' owned and run by men). It is consistent with the denominational/sectarian spirit, to walk according to the course of this world, seeing that those who are enslaved to it, walk according to/after men saying "I am of Paul, I am of Cephas" etc.  The history of the church from it's inception at Pentecost, is no doubt, fraught with the downward trend in ...


By Olugu Orji Balaam is the colourful Biblical character that shows up while the nation of Israel was making that tortuous but epochal journey from Egypt back to Canaan. He was a man just as energetic as he was enigmatic. There are a few striking similarities between Balaam and Abraham: the famed father of faith and Israel’s prime progenitor. Both hailed from Mesopotamia and had at some point come into a vital relationship with Jehovah. Additionally, they both travelled away from their idol-infested homeland in obedience to specific divine commandment. It is easy to imagine the suave, sagacious Abraham being an inspiration to the more garrulous and rambunctious Balaam.  In terms of how each interpreted and responded to the divine summons, there exist fundamental differences and I intend to elucidate on the one I consider the most significant. When humans commit to a certain course of action, the awareness of the consequences or rewards is usually a powerful incentive t...

Epic Tale! A Must Read.

Epic Tale!  A Must Read.  He said to me "Boy, I can raise seed with Revelation 20:15". We all laughed. We were all young 'prophets'. That night, he climbed the pulpit, sang one or two 'worship' songs and the 'atmosphere' changed. He preached about the reality of hell fire and everyone broke out in tears. Then he sang "I surrender...I surrender all...2X...all to Jesus, blessed savior, I surrender, i surrender all..." Even my legs started shaking. That guy can sing better than angels. And he looked very handsome too. Standing on the pulpit, he looked like an angel... everyone was blasting in tongues...such a revival....he had preached from Revelation 20:15. Everyone was rededicating their lives to avoid hell was under such 'tense atmosphere' that he paused abruptly as though a spirit was whispering something to him...the next thing I heard was "if the trumpet sounds today, how many of you will boldly tell God that t...

A Timely Question And Word For The Watchers In Nigeria.

Q: When heaven invades Nigeria, will you be reckoned amongst those watching over the nation? I was asked this very question, at the beginning of series of encounters i had last night concerning Nigeria, and it's a question for the watchers. Watchers are men who watch over the city, at the gates. They are not simple/casual men, who get caught up and entangled in the frenzy of activities, and frivolities of city life. They are circumspect, sober, vigilant, given to details, very discerning, and not mere men of entertainment, merriment and amusement. You're In Nigeria For Such A Time As This. Stand to be counted/reckoned amongst them wailing over the nation, for all the abominations done in the midst of her(Please see Ezekiel 9:1-6). *Stand at the gates of the timeline; 6th(today) to 12th February.  *Remember the doctrine of necessity(I speak in parables). Remember Lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the ungodly, and watching by the city gates of...

The Dangers Of Nominal/Casual Christianity.

The Dangers Of Nominal/Casual Christianity. Those who diligently follow the Lord and give heed to what the Spirit is saying, as unto lights shining in a dark place, are the ones who discern that the day is dawning, as the morning star arises in their circumspect hearts.  On the other hand, christians who are simple about their faith in Christ, casually and unwittingly follow cunningly devised fables of men, and can neither discern nor perceive that a new day is dawning. Sadly, their present darkness and confusion, will eventually lead them into the mist of darkness/blackness forever(reserved for the wicked), if they fail to wake up, and quit being like children tossed to and fro by  winds of doctrines; if they fail to give all diligence in giving heed to & following what the Spirit is saying to the churches of Christ. 2 Peter 1:16-19 "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ...

What Kind Of Light: A HOLY City Or A SUCCESSFUL City?

By Oscar Nzeh. Jesus said that we, His followers, are the Light of the World, a City set on a Hill. Now before YOU DECIDE what kind of light we are, you have to first find out what kind of darkness is in the world, that the world is suffering from. • Is the World in technological darkness?   Ask Elon Musk and find out about Space x and Artificial Intelligence. • Is the World in Scientific Darkness? Well I'm using a Phone right now that Peter didn't have.  • Is the World In Medical darkness? They are now trying to transplant heads. • Is the World in Educational darkness? I leave you to count their Universities and  Research Facilities like the Hadron Collider in Switzerland. • Is the world in philanthropic darkness? Bill Gates and Melinda foundation, Clinton foundation, Rockerfella  foundation are leading. No matter where polio came from, Bill Gates personally removed it from Africa. • Is the world in Industrial, Media, entertai...