
Showing posts from January, 2018

Concerning Stephanie Otobo’s Apology to Apostle Suleiman.

Concerning Stephanie Otobo’s Apology to Apostle Suleiman by Deji Yesufu I have been receiving messages on social media informing me that Ms. Stephanie Otobo has confessed to being sponsored by politicians to tarnish the image of “Apostle” Suleiman, and in the process she has apologized to him and sort his forgiveness. Many reactions have followed this confession. I am just reading Daddy Freeze’s response to it, where he stated that Otobo would need to go further to mention the names of the politicians and pastors that sent her on this mission. He also suggested that the account number and various bank transactions that followed should be published. These were my thoughts initially too but I have since decided to look at the matter from another perspective. In Ibadan, I am a leading Suleiman antagonist. When the “apostle” came to University of Ibadan last year April, I led a one man protest against him; for which I was arrested and later released. I have since documented my posi...

Exposing False Ministrations/Presentations In The Church Today.

Exposing False Ministrations/Presentations In The Church Today. N othing exposes false ministers and ministrations like the scriptures of truth. It is in the light of the truth of God's word, that all things are revealed the way they are; for the word of God is quick/living and powerful/operative, sharper than any double edged sword, and pierces to the dividing/cleaving asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow.  It is a discerner(fit for judging/skilled in judging), the thoughts and intents of the heart. There is no creature hid or not manifest in his sight, for all things lie bare, naked, exposed and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:12-13. I watched a video of a ministration by David Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministries, in his just concluded 5 nights of glory.  He made preposterous claims, that God spoke to him saying "My Son, anything you say now, i will do it"; then he went on to make these ridiculous words of blasphemy: "And...

A Timely Message To The Church In Nigeria.

A Timely Message To The Church In Nigeria. In the wake of recent events in our nation and responses from different quarters; the church of Jesus Christ should not be driven by fear to pray, or driven by her own will/spiritual pride to pray dangerous prayers for the destruction of her enemies, but to discern the will of the Lord in prayer, and to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. I watched a video message by Dr. Paul Enenche of Dunamis Gospel Center, and heard him say that "a time is coming when a sword shall be more important than a garment". My immediate response was: "this is not christianity; this cannot be what the Spirit is saying to the church concerning the future". The Spirit of God cannot be forecasting a future for the church, when physical arms will be more important than clothing, and thus charging the church/members of Christ to arm themselves for a physical battle. Never in the history of true christianity, had there been a time w...

The Root Of Divisions In The Church Today.

The root of the division in the church today, is not lack of accurate/same interpretation of the bible as some assume. The root can be traced and found in scriptures. In Acts 20:17 & 28-30, scriptures forecasted the springing up of the root of division. There we see Paul the apostle, addressing the elders of the church in Ephesus, and by the Spirit, he speaks of what will happen after his departure; how grievous wolves will infiltrate the ranks of the elders/church leadership, not sparing the flock( i.e. devouring the flock and not feeding them with the knowledge of God's word).  However, what is much more solemn and sad is not the infiltration of wolves from without, but the rising/implosion of the monster called 'SELF' from within..."Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" . Thus we see that bleak future of church leadership long foretold as written on the pages of scriptures; the risin...

Prophetic Message In 2018.

Christ In The Secret Spaces And Places Of Our Lives. The unprecedented in the history of global events, looms on the horizon of time in 2018.  The glory of God will ray and shine so brightly, through the darkest nights and forbidden/secret places to reveal the triumphant Christ. And in the secret places of our lives, where we've known the greatest challenges, defeats, and frustrations, the Lord will show up like he did to his two disciples on the way to Emmaus. He will show up to fellowship with us right there in the place of our weakness and greatest frustration; he will speak to drive away foolishness, doubts and misgivings from our hearts, he will be jealous over us, to have us to himself and to occupy and sanctify our hearts wholly unto himself. At the end, we will know nothing but his glory, the glory of the resurrected and exalted one by the righthand of God. When the distinct lines of truth are clearly seen, as to distinguish truth from falsehood, to distingu...


The Church is being transitioned from the mode of denominationally oriented "offices" designed to be seen of men to a more background operation of elders that appear on the scene as needed. The "honor" that has been given to men in their functions and gifts before this will take a backseat to the HONOR given Christ alone. Dramatically so, as the Lord spreads those giftings out distributed in the entire Body as they were intended to grow. The concept of a separate "priest class" will disapear altogether among the obedient along with special garments and outward earthly religious forms.  I wish I could say that will be the case among those who identify in their hearts with their denomination but it will not be so. It likely will get worse among them even to the point of a great falling away from Christ - maintaining the "appearance of godliness but denying the power thereof of Christ to rule HIS Church by the Holy Spirit. That is going to be very...


A JEWEL HIDDEN IN NIGERIA Consider this very carefully and prayerfully. (This is only a small portion of the chapter...) Quoted from "Messenger: Sydney Elton" (2016) by Ayodeji Abodunde. (pages 204-205. The biography of a man who came as a missionary to Nigeria and spent 50 years laboring in the Lord there.) From chapter 9 "Last days messenger" Elton bemoaned the fact that the gospel "has been buried beneath a church which has become more and more worldly and money conscious, and which has clearly shut the Lord Jesus outside His Own church (Rev. 3:20). In these days the church on earth has acquired wealth and property and influence and has become part of the worldly system, to the extent that it cannot be separated from the world or its systems. Satan has done a fine job of taking over the task of managing the church and it now no longer represents the mind of God." Because of the prevailing situation, God had to "intervene if He is to complet...

Last Days Queries/Question Marks, Every Christian Should Ponder On.

My Response To Those Who Mock The Hope Of Heaven And The Promise Of Christ's Coming(John 14:1-6; 2 Peter 3:3-4). If we do not gravitate toward heaven, by setting our affections above, where Christ is seated at the righthand of God.....? (Colossians 3:1-2) If we fail to see that we are partakers of the heavenly calling, and do not press toward the mark for the prize of the upward/heavenly calling in Christ......? (Hebrews 3:1; Philippians 3:14) If we profess that our manner of life on earth, is as heavenly citizens(heaven bound), yet we do not look for the saviour from heaven, who shall change our vile bodies at his appearing......? (Philippians 3:20-21) If we do not earnestly desire to be clothed upon, with our house/body which is eternal in heaven....................? (2 Corinthians 5:1-8) If we do not eargerly expect the last trump, when in a moment and twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed.......? (1 Corinthians 15:50-53). If we do not look forw...

Who Is A Man Of God? Part 3.

The Making Of The Man Of God. The man of God is neither our default by creation nor our constitution by the new creation.  In the old creation, all things were of God as in the new, but something went wrong with the man, he failed to stand for what is of God, the interests of God and the authority of his word. He failed the test of allegiance in the making of the man of God, who is to stand and represent God in all things. What about the new creation man in Christ? He also passed through the test of allegiance. Hebrews 5 8   Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;  9   And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Both as the author of eternal salvation and as the captain of our salvation, he was made perfect through the things he suffered, in following the will and interests of God, and not his own(see also Hebrews 2:10). Those who have come t...

Who Is A Man Of God? Part 2.

The Man Of God Or The Man Of Himself.  There are more examples in the old testament, of men referred to as men of God as in the case of Elijah(1 Kings 17:18) and Elisha(2 Kings 4:7) ;  we will however, proceed to examples in the new testament, having cited two examples in the old testament and considering the scripture that says, "in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word is established(Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1).   (4.) Paul, the man of God, not necessarily referred to as a man of God in scriptures, but he was an apostle who in the ministry/service of God's house/building, was very wary of speaking/doing anything of himself.  Paul had such a caution and discipline in ministry, not to misrepresent the Lord; by presenting anything to God's people in the name of the Lord, which is yet not of the Lord. Even where he gave his own judgment by permission and not of commandment, he clearly noted that it is not the Lord's comma...

Who Is A Man Of God? Part 1.

The Man Of God Or The Man Of Himself.  A very thin line exists between a man of God and a man of himself. Many today are called men of God but they are men of themselves or men of the people. They speak of themselves, represent their own interests and concerns, even in the things of God. It's high time we defined who a man of God is. The general tendency we have is to refer to people as men of God, simply because they carry the bible and preach or because they set up a religious organisation, and have a building where they use a microphone to speak to a congregation. There's also the tendency to think that those called into the word ministry like apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors, are automatically constituted men of God. The appellation or designation 'man of God' was not carelessly used in scriptures, and should not be carelessly used by any bible believer. Scriptures scarcely referred to men as 'men of God', thus we should be c...