Two Very Sobering Words For Now (Prophetic)

I heard two very sobering words the other day:

"you cannot stand in the gap much longer."
"I will lay no further weight upon you."

I was extremely sorrowful at first but I am starting to understand little by little what He means and His wisdom in it but it is not easy for me to accept. We are in the midst of a move of God like we have never seen. Jesus is saying "I have not come to bring peace but rather a sword." We need to walk in peace as much as God allows but there will come a day when there will be no "peace" because the mystery of iniquity must be revealed. A day when the Lord says, "let he who is hardened, let him remain hardened."

~ Paul Rapoza. 

Yes Sir Paul Rapoza I can relate with the two sobering words you heard. We can further grasp the import and gravity of those words scripturally in Abraham and Lot. Abraham cannot stand in the gap much longer to keep/stay the judgment determined upon Sodom. Lot on the other hand would have no further weight/burden laid upon him in his righteous soul being vexed with the filthy conversation/unlawful deeds of the wicked as dwelling among them and seeing/hearing from day to day.
Abraham gets to that point when he can't interceed/stand in the gap any further for Sodom.  Lot one day must be made by the heavens to depart/leave Sodom and the day he left God's judgment descended as it rained fire and brimstone.

The time is indeed very short. 
He that restrains/withholds the mystery of iniquity from having it's full sway unto judgment and the leaven from leavening the whole meal/lump unto destruction, will soon be taken out of the way. 
The wheat will soon be harvested/gathered into the heavenly granary with unfruitful professors already fallen away, left on the field of christendom(christian religious world) with the tares in the bundles of the unity of erroneous doctrines.

~ Paulchrisen Okey Okereke.


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