
Showing posts from November, 2017

Two Very Sobering Words For Now (Prophetic)

  I heard two very sobering words the other day: "you cannot stand in the gap much longer." AND  "I will lay no further weight upon you." I was extremely sorrowful at first but I am starting to understand little by little what He means and His wisdom in it but it is not easy for me to accept. We are in the midst of a move of God like we have never seen. Jesus is saying "I have not come to bring peace but rather a sword." We need to walk in peace as much as God allows but there will come a day when there will be no "peace" because the mystery of iniquity must be revealed. A day when the Lord says, "let he who is hardened, let him remain hardened." ~ Paul Rapoza.  Yes Sir Paul Rapoza I can relate with the two sobering words you heard. We can further grasp the import and gravity of those words scripturally in Abraham and Lot. Abraham cannot stand in the gap much longer to keep/stay the judgment determined upon S...

Dr Tunde Bakare: His Heroic Audacity and 20 Years after.

Dr Tunde Bakare: His Heroic Audacity and 20 Years after. In the 90's Dr Tunde Bakare stood up to publicly condemn a very strange practice that became popularised by a very influential preacher - the use of the "anointing oil". While the action appeared like the critical efforts of an activist back then, we benefit from that today. I will tell you why shortly. The so called anointing oil found its way into the mainstream Pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria and helped to blur distinction between Christianity and idolatry. When error takes root, the path is usually the same. "So far it works for me", "God said to me", "I heard it loud and clear", "it is the mandate given to this commission" etc are the familiar lines. Ritualism hates thorough Bible explanation and distances itself from Apostolic doctrines and practices. Such ritual practices easily sell in Africa because we are not completely purged of myths, traditional idolatry...

The Private Jet Craze And Competition In The Nigerian Church.

The Private Jet Craze And Competition In The Nigerian Church. Ecclesiastes 1:2    Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all  is  vanity. 1 Corinthians 7 29   But this I say, brethren, the time  is  short: it  remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;  30   And they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not;  31   And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away. 1 John 2  16  For all that  is  in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.   17   And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 Peter 1    24...

Greatest Innovation In The History Of Mankind.

The greatest and the most current innovation i believe in the history of mankind is the gift of a new day. It is most current because it's always new, fresh, unprecedented and unrivalled.  No one can beat it.  No one can make a new series of a product that fast. Each unique and extremely different from the last one.  He makes them in batches called Months and counts them in dozens of seven called weeks. He designs them to suit everybody. And there's no other product ever made on earth which everyone can and are  eager to partake in like the day.  There's no other product which the rich is eager to have and yet the poor can afford it like a brand new day.  He ships them out to several locations called seasons and times, what a mighty God He is! He is the product designer, manufacturer, quality control manager,  brand and publicity manager, etc and yet He owns the company.  Have I told you the name of this outfit. It is called the universe and in s...

Scriptures Mostly Misunderstood/Misinterpreted Part 3.

Luke 16  Parable  Of The Unjust Steward. The misinterpretation of this parable largely stems from the misunderstanding of the 8th verse which reads " And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." Note: It is the lord of that servant that commended him and not the Lord Jesus. The rich man who is the master of the unjust steward was referred to as 'lord' 3 times in the parable (see vs 3, 5 and 8) The lord of that servant commended his shrewdness and the Lord Jesus in telling this parable premised such an unexpected commendation on the fact that the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. The world loves it's own.  John 15:19    If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth  you....

Fellowship Of Ministering To The Needs Of Saints Part 1.

The foremost practise & order of giving in the new testament church is the fellowship of ministering to the needs of saints or collection for the saints.  This precedes giving to ministers/those who labour in the word.  The fellowship of ministering to the needs of saints is the foremost aspect of giving practised by the early church.  It is an aspect of giving which reflects body life and the oneness of all the members of the body as the needs of all are met by it.  The early church & apostles by the Spirit practised the fellowship of ministering to the needs of saints who are all priests in Christ and afterwards the order concerning the collection for saints was delivered through the inspired epistles of the Apostle Paul. The foremost order of giving in the church yet never done by compulsion. The HolyGhost is so particular about it for it is an aspect of giving that reflects the oneness of the body into which he(the HolyGhost) has baptised/immersed ...

The True Meaning Of Occupy Till I Come Part 3.

When we compare the account of the parable in Luke 19 with that of Matthew and Mark, we will see clearly what is meant by the ten pounds the nobleman gave to his servants & what he meant by telling them to occupy till he comes. Matthew 25 14   For   the kingdom of heaven is   as a man travelling into a far country,   who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.  15   And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Mark 13:34   For the Son of man is   as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Note: The Pounds which he gave to his servants in Luke's account of the parable is referred to as 'his goods' or talents in Matthew, which he gave "t o every man according to his several ability". The word transl...

Fathers Of Faith Who Never Considered Tithing A New Testament Doctrine/Practise.

Fathers Of Faith Who Never Considered Tithing A New Testament Doctrine/Practise.  Last month i was reasoning in scriptures with a brother on the tithe issue when he said this in defence of tithing: "Even Paul, went to Jerusalem to those who were Apostles before him to be sure that his revelation was consistent. Which of our fathers with verifiable credibility has taught anything against tithing?" Didn't give his question much thought knowing that the truth is no respecter of persons and does not derive it's validation from men. However, I deemed it helpful to compile a short list of some fathers of faith who never preached tithing as a new testament doctrine/practise, that my readers may know that we are not in forbidden or uncharted territoritories of truth when we boldly declare that tithing is obsolete and has no place in the new covenant. (1.) Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) Professor of theology, Seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, Kn...

Scriptures Mostly Misunderstood/Misinterpreted. Part 2.

Matthew 5:17 is one of the most misunderstood scriptures yet often quoted by many.  What did Jesus actually mean by he has not come to destroy the law but to fulfil it? Matthew 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Now there are two key words which we must examine in this text to understand what Jesus said. (1.) Destroy (2.) Fulfil. (1.) The word translated as 'destroy' in the text is the original Greek word 'Kataluo' which means to dissolve, disunite, demolish, bring to naught, overthrow, subvert(a law or institution). (2.) The word translated as 'fulfil' in the text is the original Greek word 'Pleroo' which means to make full, to fill up, to complete, to consummate, to finish, to end. Now considering the meaning of these two words, Jesus actually meant that he has not come to cut off or abrogate the law but to complete, finish & end it. This agrees with Romans 10:4 where sc...

The Dire Need For A Mind Shift From The Religious And Traditional.

In the wake of the ongoing controversy on tithing in the Nigerian church which has seen different preachers like Paul Adefarasin and Enoch Adeboye throw in the weight of their own opinion on the matter, what bothers me most in all these things is the failure in seeing the dire need for a heart and mind shift from the religious and traditional which obscures the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.  What burdens my heart is the unchecked tenacity in holding unto the religious tradition of tithing while failing to see the fellowship of ministering to the needs of saints which is the foremost order of giving in the new testament church which also the HolySpirit was very particular about. It is sad to see the ugly religious trend and tendency to make doctrines of encounters in the old testament while neglecting or despising that which scripture clearly presents to us as a new testament practise and doctrine. Abram in a one time encounter paid tithe to Melchizedek, Jacob ...

Another Response To Leke Alder's Gospel(The beginning of tithing in Church History).

Leke Alder, I have been carefully following you on all three parts. I must say thanks for your well researched work on tithing. One thing such debate does to the believer is to help whet his or her appetite for the word of God. However, upon taking a careful reading on part 3, I beg to differ on some of the suppositions you made and interpretations you have given to scriptures related to the subject. #1. Melchizedek and Abraham never broke bread and had a Communion. Genesis 14:18 says " Melchizedek brought forth bread and wine; and he was the priest of the most high God". There is nothing in that passage showing that they broke bread. Communion is a very serious matter. If indeed the bread and wine depicted Communion,  Hebrews paid no theological or covenantal value to it (to use your own terms). No verse of scripture made reference to that assertion. (So to push it further is thus your own gospel). #2. You claimed that tithing is a New Testament doctrine; and...

Response To The Gospel According To Leke Alder(Long & unnecessary epistle on tithing).

Response To The Gospel According To Leke Alder(Long & unnecessary epistle on tithing). The much argument on tithing today stems from a general failure to comprehend the priesthood of all believers in Christ and the access into the holiest of all which we all have as kings and priests unto God. Biblically there's no such thing or practice as Abrahamic/elective tithing observed by anyone that came after Abraham both in the old and new testament as following that which he did under what Leke Alder calls 'Abrahamic/Grace regime'. A regime is a system/form of government, a dispensation/period of rule. There's no such thing as Abrahamic/grace regime in the old testament. The two covenants both the old & new have their origin figuratively in Abraham's relationship with his two wives, Sarah(the free woman) & Hagar(the bond woman). However, none of these covenants began literally as a dispensation/regime in the days of Abraham. Galatians 4 21  Tell me,...