
Showing posts from October, 2024

Overcoming Deception In Mixture Of Truth & Error.

The subtle opposition of the enemy is so commonly by imitation of the truth and also by weaving error & truth together, so that the truth therein can attract true souls and thus put them off their guard against the error mixed with it. How essentially is the present time a day of such terrible mixture that's rarely discerned, especially by those merely following & walking after men and not the truth as it is in Christ. Sadly, deception becomes the lot of those who can't discern it, just as Eve was deceived for failure to detect/discern the lie in the mixture of truth & error the serpent fed her mind with. The true apostolic burden & jealousy over the church is to guard the singleness of devotion to God & espousal to the One husband and head of the body(church), which is Christ. Only thus can our minds be safeguarded from being beguiled and deceived by the enemy's subtilty & craft in making a perfect mixture of truth & error. Where there is divide