
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Impracticability & Futility Of Natural Will, Strength & Effort.

Abraham was made to learn in his body the lesson of the divine ways; he was made to face in his own body the impracticability & futility of natural effort as night by night those pendant lamps of heaven shone down over his whitening head, and the word of promise whispered in the stillness, "So shall thy seed be." There was absolutely nothing in his own body, age, strength or power that looked like it. He found in himself everything inimical and opposed to even the very thought of the possibility of bringing forth a seed. So Abraham had at last to walk before an Almighty God with a "body now biologically dead", which he could reckon upon no more. In his experience God would have us learn this, which we're often so slow to learn; that faith in ourselves is only so much unbelief in Him, and a hindrance to the blessing He has for us in his Word.  We must come to that point where we no longer have ourselves or any other thing in view for reckoning but His Word. G

Manifestations Of Power Devoid Of Godly Character(A Recipe For Spiritual Disaster).

Manifestations Of Power Devoid Of Godly Character (Recipe For Spiritual Disaster). True spiritual measure & value is not in manifestations of power, glory and influence but in the development of christian character; conformity to the image of God's Son(Christ) ie. growth unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ(Christlikeness). Satan can manifest power & glory, appear as an angel of light; spirits of devils can work miracles, command breakthroughs & testimonies, gather a mammoth crowd of people to a crusade or meeting ground, such that those who judge by outward appearance will most assuredly say 'this is revival'! 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Revelation 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go for

Is There Anything Like Transactional Gospel?

Few days ago i read a lengthy post by a certain preacher who was making a case to prove that there's nothing like 'transactional gospel' in the bible.  In the opening lines of his write up he stated that "the phrase(transactional gospel) is someone’s thought to justify his opposition to the preaching of prosperity, it’s not in the word of God."  Honestly it baffles me to see someone making a lengthy argument and even quoting scriptures to prove that something is not in the bible while it is right there on the pages of his bible.  Little wonder why the apostle in his admonition to Timothy said: "give attendance/heed to reading"(1st Timothy 4:13).  There are many portions of scripture which many churchgoers for years and ministers who have been preaching from the bible for decades, have never read or heard being preached.  This is so worrisome and the reason why some years ago, i opened a Facebook page called 'Scriptures Hardly Read Today'.  Now le