Is The Church The Israel Of God?
We live in very interesting times in the unfolding of God's prophetic program for the end. Couple of years ago, we received a word from the Lord that the big question many of his people will be asking in an endtime is: What is the difference between the old and new testament, between the old & new covenant, between Israel & the church. On the heels of the recent Israeli war, there has been an unprecedented focus and concern of christendom on Israel, many have taken to write or speak on Israel. I've seen writeups about Israel within the past two weeks more than i have in the past two decades, and the shocking revelation is that the assertions i've seen many make about Israel, reveals how so little is truly known of the church and what the church is. The inability on the part of many to rightly divide the word of the truth of scriptures concerning Israel, her place in bible prophecy, the earthly promises that belong to her, her earthly eternal destiny ...