
Showing posts from October, 2023

Is The Church The Israel Of God?

We live in very interesting times in the unfolding of God's prophetic program for the end. Couple of years ago, we received a word from the Lord that the big question many of his people will be asking in an endtime is: What is the difference between the old and new testament, between the old & new covenant, between Israel & the church.  On the heels of the recent Israeli war, there has been an unprecedented focus and concern of christendom on Israel, many have taken to write or speak on Israel.  I've seen writeups about Israel within the past two weeks more than i have in the past two decades, and the shocking revelation is that the assertions i've seen many make about Israel, reveals how so little is truly known of the church and what the church is.    The inability on the part of many to rightly divide the word of the truth of scriptures concerning Israel, her place in bible prophecy, the earthly promises that belong to her, her earthly eternal destiny ...

There Is Nothing God Values Like A Man Who Trembles At His Word.

Do We Tremble At His Word Or Neglect/Trifle With It? On the heels of the exact fulfillment of a prophetic word given to him, Jeremiah in awe of God, prayed thus: "Alas, Lord Jehovah! Behold, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and outstretched arm; there is nothing too hard for thee".  Jeremiah 32:17. Words uttered in prayer by a prophet who was shut up in prison; shut up for the word/prophecy he had given from the mouth of the Lord, yet he says not this of God as an expression of His absolute power to deliver him from prison, but as an expression of his might in bringing to pass what he has spoken. His obsession and occupation was not with the ugly situation he was in, to be delivered from it, but with the Word of the Lord and how the Lord does not want/lack in power to bring to pass, that which he has spoken. In prayer, he is thus in awe of God's great power to perform his Word...'Ah Lord God! Alas Jehovah"....Here is a man trembling a...

A Very Subtle Fall From First Love - The Foremost Obsession/First Occupation.

A Very Subtle Fall From First Love - The Foremost Obsession/First Occupation.  The first love, first works & foremost obsession is occupation with the Lord himself; to live/walk in the consciousness of Him, and not engagement with even spiritual activity or ministry.  The ultimate goal of sanctifying & purifying us with the washing of water(the Word) is to present us to himself, that we might be with him where he is(Ephesians 5:25-27 & 1st Thessalonians 5:10). If he is not our foremost occupation how can this ultimate goal be fulfilled?  It's all about a person. It's not about some spiritual activity like prayer, fasting, religious programs, teaching or evangelical outreaches.  Even the most sacred thing & greatest spiritual activity can still be taken up as a thing in itself to furnish a religious quest & devotion, which is not occupation with the Lord himself.  The Jews to whom were committed the lively oracles of God, the sacred Torah/law,...

Does The Lord Really Care?

Does The Lord Really Care? "Casting all your cares on him for he cares for you". - 1st Peter 5:7 (See also Psalm 55:22). Was meditating on this scripture about two months ago and the HolySpirit quickly reminded me of a very testing & shaking experience, which the apostle who delivered these words of encouragement, passed through. It was an immense spiritual crisis which would have wrecked/ruined his faith in God. Peter was so shaken & sifted by satan that he even went as far as openly denying the Lord thrice yet the Lord stood with him & for him, even before the trial, in/through the trial & beyond it. Whilst satan was scheming & plotting to have Peter, to sift the hell out of him & make chaff of him/rubbish his faith, the Lord who sees/knows all things, interceded for him, that his faith fail not. The effect of that intercession was such that he was revived, came out of the test stronger, and became a vessel in the hand of the Lord to strengthen ...

Examining Failed Prophecies, Inaccurate Discernment, Misinterpretation Of Prophetic Revelations & The Will Of God. (Part 3)

Examining Failed Prophecies, Inaccurate Discernment, Misinterpretation Of Prophetic Revelations & The Will Of God. ( Part 3) With respect to timing in the prophetic, it is very important to know when to speak/share a prophetic word/revelation & when not to. It is one thing to receive a prophetic word/revelation from the Lord, and another to be released of the Lord/given utterance to speak forth the same. In Ephesians 6:18-19, we see Paul writing to the assembly in Ephesus and admonishing them to pray with all perseverance & supplication for all saints and also for him that utterance may be given unto him, to enable him open his mouth boldly, to make known/disclose the mystery of the gospel. This admonition unto prayer, is of course, in the consciousness/awareness of spiritual conflict, having said to them earlier: "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the universal lords of this darkness, again...