The Making/Constitution Of The Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ (Part 3)
In our last article of the series, we were able to scripturally identify who the enemies of the cross of Christ are, based on their characteristics as listed in Philippians 3:18-19. They are surprisingly, people who work and walk in the field of christendom/christian profession and not the unbelieving world. The inspired apostle acknowledges them as workers but evil workers/workmen and also warns the saints in Philippi about their walk saying "f or many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping". We are being led of the Spirit of God in the scriptures of truth to consider another noteworthy thing concerning these enemies of the cross of Christ, which is๐๐ผ The Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ Are Contrary To The Altar & Ministration Of The New Testament. According to scripture the altar we have in the new testament, is the cross of Christ, where the once and for all sacrifice of Christ was made to put an end to sin; an altar that wholly sep...