
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Blessedness Of The Meek & Weak.

 The Blessedness Of The Meek & Weak. Meekness is unobtrusive, self-effacing & not self-assertive. It is a virtue that is often taken as weakness but it is not weakness in the sense of absence of power/want of strength but strength/power under restraint; strength/power put under/under control. This makes a meek man who may seem/appear weak, even stronger than he who goes about expressing power and showing strength without restraint/control. In the scriptures of truth we learn that true power with God is known in the place of meekness & weakness.  The power and strength of God is revealed in it's perfection, where the human vessel is weak, under & utterly abandoned to the grace and might of God - 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10. In Revelation 3:8 we see how saints in Philadelphia, who are of small strength(weak in the authority/power of their own will), kept the word of the Lord's patience & did not deny his name. Of course in being weak in themselves, they absolutel...

Guarding Against The Tendency & Doctrine Contrary To The Heavenly Calling/Hope.

Guarding Against The Tendency & Doctrine Contrary To The Heavenly Calling/Hope. The history of the church is one long story of the tendency to settle down on earth and to become conformed to this world, find acceptance & popularity here & eliminate the elements of conflict/enmity with the world and of pilgrimage in it. With every break of the light of revival, which has seldom shone/rayed in, the inclination & gravitation of hearts to this dark world, soon eclipses & instituitionalizes it, turning it into an earthly thing, an organisation, a new denomination or sect. From the high altitude of the first years as set before us in the book of Acts, the church in it's pristine and sublime state, began to decline, until the church publicly and generally became an earthly institution, a mere religious organisation even politically attached to the earth. The battle all through her history has been in this connection; whether the church would maintain or retrieve...