
Showing posts from October, 2021

Blasphemy: You Need Resources To Lift The Name Of Jesus.

Recently i came across a video message of one Joshua Selman, and i was sore grieved & peeved, seeing him teach outright blasphemy with much gusto, to the delight of his gullible hearers.  He said: "You need economic empowerment to raise the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is very heavy, you need resources to lift it up". To start with, in lifting and exalting the name of Jesus; giving him a name above every name, what material resources did God use to do that? Did God have to lavish his church with so much resources and make the apostles so rich materially in order to lift the name of Jesus? It's an insult & blasphemy to say the name of Jesus needs material resources/riches to be lifted up. When in John 12:32-33, Jesus himself said if i be lifted up from the earth i will draw all men to me, was he not referring to his cross (his suffering, death, shame & reproach)? As poor and unlearned fishermen, the apostles of Jesus were lifting the name of Jesus everywher...

Where Denominationalism Thrives Beyond The Four Walls Of Denominations.

The Spirit Of Denominationalism Beyond The Four Walls Of Denominations.  The spirit of schism & denominationalism is so subtle that it can be found thriving so strongly even in the midst of those who have broken out of the four walls of denominations. There are many today who deem themselves to be reformers and have left the four walls of denominations, yet they are caught up with the "isms" identified with doctrinal divides...calvinism, arminianism, cessationism, continuationism etc. How in the world would a christian consider himself to be a calvinist or arminianist, a cessationist or a continuationist, except it be that something other than Christ and being identified as Christ's(belonging to Christ) has become the obsession? When a doctrine which should lead to Christ/reveal Christ falls short of that in the hands of men and becomes something in itself...a movement, an affiliation, a religious/doctrinal sect/camp of all who embrace it, and even a foundation on whi...