
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Wonders/Marvels Of The Cross Of Christ.

The Wonders/Marvels Of The Cross Of Christ.  On the cross, the One who on the mount was once transfigured above the brightness of the sun, lay with that glory eclipsed in utter darkness, his visage so marred more than any man and his form utterly beyond that of the sons of men; yet the pressure of that whole agony upon His soul could get nothing contrary from Him in response, but perfect submission & alignment to the divine will. The more the pressure, the more manifest the perfection - the absolute perfection that was His: absolute goodness -"the Son of Man glorified, and God glorified in Him." His unfaltering & unwavering obedience was absolute even unto death.  This was the victory, that the Holy One should go into death, the spotless Lamb delivered into the hands of death...this was the undoing of death as the sting of sin with which it holds it's captive ones, was no where to be found, the Lamb had borne and taken away in the offering of himself, the sins of ...

Tested By God's Hidden Ways & Working.

Tested By God's Hidden Ways & Working. God often hides himself to test our pursuit/ seeking of Him; to reward us, if against all odds, we diligently and relentlessly seek Him. When God raises up a corporate vessel to represent & bring in a greater fullness of His Son in a time of intense/dire spiritual need, such a company goes through strange & unusual ways of testing, of perplexity, of adversity, of strain, and ofttimes it's position seems to be an impossible one. You know that under certain conditions of pressure you are tempted to question even what the Lord has said to you. Often your mind could be assailed with thoughts of doubt & querries of unbelief like: "have i been deceived? Am I holding unto an illusion? Nothing seems to be happening, there seems to be no tangible development; I am getting older & older, and even the promises of God do not seem to be fulfilled." The ways & workings of God in a time of transition are hidden;...

What The HolySpirit Commits Himself To.

While on these earthly shores, Jesus knew all men and committed himself to no man knowing what was in man. Likewise the HolySpirit sent down from heaven does not merely commit himself to men's speech, teaching, preaching; he does not merely commit to what we say, our avowed or promised loyalty/surrender in worship. What the HolySpirit commits himself to is the very measure of God's dealings, which we have allowed God to work in us, that which is inwrought, that which has been through the fire/furnace and come out like gold...the measure of the stature of Christ, which through deep travail, has been practically formed in us.