
Showing posts from May, 2020

How Will The Professing Church & Christendom End? The Restraint On Total Apostasy & Judgment Of Damnation. Part 2.

The Restraint On Total Apostasy & Judgment Of Damnation. Part 2. As noted in the first part, God's restraint in pouring out consummate judgment on iniquity & the wicked, is the righteous. As long as the righteous are still found in the midst, God is restrained from pouring out judgment, but as soon as he removes the righteous from the midst, his judgment ensues. We have already seen several biblical examples of this undeniable truth. Now we will consider a very important biblical prophecy which speaks of the mystery of iniquity, the restraint on it, the removal of the restraint, the total/open apostasy(falling away) of christendom and the revelation of the man of sin(the antichrist). We will also consider how this prophecy tallies with the parable of the wheat and tares, and the parable of the leaven, which the Lord Jesus taught when he opened his mouth in Matthew 13 to reveal the mysteries of the kindgom of heaven. Here's a juxtaposition of the prophecy and t...