
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Restraint On Total Apostasy & Judgment Of Damnation. (Part 1).

The Restraint On Total Apostasy & Judgment Of Damnation. Throughout scripture God's restraint(the time of his patience) in pouring out consummate judgment on iniquity, is the righteous. As long as the righteous are still found in the midst, God is restrained from pouring out judgment, but as soon as he removes the righteous from the midst, his judgment ensues. In the days of Noah, God's restraint was only Noah who was a preacher of righteousness, and the Spirit of God in relationship with Noah was striving to persuade and convict that generation of the coming judgment but their hearts were hardened in evil. God said "My Spirit will not always strive with man for he is flesh(he is carnal, unresponsive to the things of the Spirit) yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years". Genesis 6:3. God thus gave a timeline for that generation, the timeline of his patience while the ark was being prepared, and when that time elapsed and the ark was ready, God shu...