
Showing posts from March, 2020

Discerning The Times (Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News) Part 2.

In the solemnity of the times, it takes utter spiritual blindness for us to see the unprecedented taking place in our days, and merely assume it's nothing unusual/spectacular; seeking to explain it away with mere words of human wisdom/logic, rather than seek the face of God to grant us spiritual understanding of the times. Lack of spiritual discernment and understanding of the times, will be very costly in these days, worse still the lack of discernment of the body of Christ, as that which the heart of God is fully set on, and the object of the Lord's greatest affection, for which he will spare nothing in the world, to purge, purify and put her in order. The Code 19 In Covid-19. A Major Setback For A Reset. In a vision on the 21st of January 2020, a voice spoke saying "We are still in 2019". This sounded quite incredible and absurd as it made no sense then, seeing we were already 21 days into the new year; it also was like a negative declaration, like a setba...

Discerning The Times. Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News.

Discerning The Times Living & Seeing Beyond The Breaking News. December last year(2019), the Lord said that he has taken up time and time has ceased to be what it used to be, as scheduled by men. This he said indicating that times/seasons have changed. He also said it is a time of perfect alignment, a time in which he will cause things to align after the counsel of his own will. In an open trance On the 30th of December 2019, i saw a very bright light like the Sun covering and occupying the entire horizon of space and time, and it was such that when men try to look into the future, they saw nothing but that dazzling light, thus they were left wondering if it meant that there was nothing more in the future, for it was as though time had come to an end, being sucked up/eclipsed by that dazzling light which filled/occupied the entire horizon of time and space. I shared this with a few brethren at the beginning of the new year(2020). What This Means For The Church. So muc...