A Nation Engulfed By The Fear Of Men.

There is much darkness in the land, the nation is engulfed in the darkness of the fear of man/men. According to scriptures, the fear of man brings a snare; thus the people/citizens are ensnared and held in bondage/slavery to men who speak tough and walk roughly like they're sovereign/almighty, and can curse, kill and make alive, whomsoever they will. Some speak like they own the people of God, others walk like they own the nation and her armed forces, while some traverse the length and breadth of the nation like the lives and breath of it's citizens lies in their hands, and they can kill anyone they like, and possess any land they want. The oppression and suppression in the land is so much, that it leads to deep depression whereby many contemplate suicide. From the pulpits to the corridors of power in the institutions of government, to the forced grazing fields and streets of our nation, we see the pride, pomp and glory of these men who walk around and p...