
Showing posts from December, 2017

In A Season Of Prophecy, On The Wings Of Another New Year's Eve.

Pollution In The Stream And Field Of Prophecy. In the murky waters of the religious, the souls of many have been misled to drown. However, of all the streams of ministerial gifts, none has been so polluted and contaminated like the prophetic stream. Satan knows that the sovereign and eternal will of God, is being driven through the course of time, on the wheels of prophecy; thus, he does everything possible to throw spikes and clogs into it, in order to impede and if possible, scuttle it's movement/advancement. Right from the beginning, prophecy has been the hub and wheel for the driving of the eternal counsel and will.  Right there in Genesis, on the eve of the fall, we see God step into the garden on the wheels of prophecy; declaring that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent(Genesis 3:15). Also at the end, as captured in the book of Revelation, it will still be prophecy, thus the revelation/testimony of Jesus is unveiled as the spirit of ...

I Will Not Lie To My Children!

I Will  Not Lie To My Children By Oscar Nzeh. I will tell my children the truth because they DESERVE to know the truth and to avoid DELUSION.  So I will not lie to my children that a SANTA CLAUS coming from the NORTH POLE every year, riding on REINDEERS accompanied by ELVES with gifts for those who are not naughty has anything to do with Jesus being born. Because it DOESN'T! I will not lie to my children that CUTTING TREES and placing them in the house decked with balls of light, and people placing gifts under the tree has anything to do with Jesus being born. Because it DOESN'T! I will not lie to my children that "DECKING THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY" has anything to do with Jesus being born. Because it DOESN'T! I will not lie to my children that kissing under the MISTLETOE has anything to do with Jesus being born. Because it DOESN'T!  I will not lie to my children that painting of houses, buying new clothes, shopping, eatin...

If Everyday Was Christmas 🎄.

If Everyday Was Christmas 🎄. Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if everyday was Christmas? A holiday widely accepted, appreciated and celebrated by many, tolerated by few, though rated by history as paganish in origin. Evolving from it's pagan roots, it became adopted as a religious holiday to commemorate the birth of Christ; now, beyond just a religious holiday, it has been adopted by different cultures and nations, as an integral part of a holiday season that leads to the end of the year. Many non christians today celebrate Christmas, and some cultures have adopted different dates from the generally accepted 25th December, to mark and celebrate their own Christmas festival. Christmas thus, is a festival that resonates with the rotating globe and world of men; cutting across several races, cultures and nations of the world today. Billions around the world see it as a day to show/express love, reaching out to friends and loved ones and even to t...

Celebration Of The Unknown Christ("Ye worship, you know not what")

John 4:20-24 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her,  Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.  YE WORSHIP YE KNOW NOT WHAT: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.   But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  God  is  a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship  him  in spirit and in truth. Acts 17:22-25. Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said,  Ye  men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore YE IGNORANTLY WORSHIP, him declare I unto you. God that made the world...

Where The Worship Of Mammon Is Mistaken For The Worship Of God.

Bamidele Salako cc Notions of the God of the Bible in this interesting generation range from the fantastically astonishing to the mind-bogglingly contradictory to the outrightly appalling. Popular notions combine to present the picture of a God who is interestingly regarded as good and adored as the very personification of love yet is in the same breath portrayed as requiring some form of financial or other motivation to be "moved" into action on behalf of his adherents in the face of pressing needs. It's the image of a needy God whose bloated ego must be stroked, his head made to swell with rhythmic ballads of his greatness before he is obliged to intervene in the affairs of his children. You want something from God and it's not happening fast enough, you're told to just give him praise and he will "release" it once you have succeeded at badgering the celestial portals with "unconditional" praise. Praise is not worship but ...

My Response To Daddy Freeze On The Issue Of Muslims Going To Heaven.

Christ did not come to start a religion, he came to restore humanity & bring men into a relationship and fellowship with God even deeper than the way it was before the fall. Christ is not coming again to take a people of religion belonging to either the christian, Islamic or anyother religion; he's rather coming to take his bride, his church and that includes all who belong to him as members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones(Ephesians 5:29-33).  Those who like a bride deeply in love with her bridegroom, earnestly long & look for his appearing. 1Thessalonians 4:16-18; Titus 2:13; 2Timothy 4:8 and Hebrews 9:28 all show us that when the Lord shall descend from heaven for the catching up of saints, he shall appear unto those that look for him. This is what going to heaven is all about and it has nothing to do with whether you're a christian or a muslim; has nothing to do with your religious divide or denomination but your relationship with the Son of God as th...


GREATEST ENCOUNTERS FROM THE PAGES OF THE BIBLE.  By Dipo Ecclesia When I gave my heart to Jesus as a teenager and later staggered in faith, I became agnostic and showed complete apathy to the things of the spirit and I stopped going to church. I began to doubt everything about  Christianity and the bible and will try hard to argue the bible logically with anybody I see. After some years (Five years precisely), there was this strong and serious desire for me to seek God again (I actually embraced Islam at a point but just didn't practice). The desire to seek God was so strong and compelling that it became a struggle with me and the Lord before I finally yielded and bent to the will of the Lord and was restored. Back then I made up my mind that if there is really a Living God and since I HAVE JUST ONE LIFE, then I want to know Him myself before I die and not just what preachers have being telling me, in fact I asked God to show Himself to me and He did by some enco...

When Daddy Freeze will Die by Deji Yesufu.

When Daddy Freeze will Die by Deji Yesufu I saw a post on Facebook yesterday where a so called Pastor was saying Daddy Freeze will not see the end of 2017. I see now that these Pastors are desperate and will do anything to shut those speaking against tithing up. But we should not forget that another pastorpreneur, this time Johnson Suleiman, had pronounced the fatwa on Mallam El-Rufai too. The Kaduna State Governor is still alive and well. Daddy Freeze will live, he will not die. In my video, where I spoke about tithing to TV Continental, I mentioned one Pastor Sola Kolade. He is the Pastor of the Vine Branch Church, the church I used to attend in this city. In that video, I said Pastor Sola Kolade, despite his understanding of the Bible, did not refute my position biblically. It's been close to a week now since that video came out and he has not countered my position. There really is nothing to counter because it is true. Thankfully our discussions, at some point, were writt...

Where Soul Winning Is Grossly Misunderstood.

Where Soul Winning Is Grossly Misunderstood. Preachers often say that God's number one job is soul winning/salvation of souls however, when salvation is misunderstood or not fully understood we end up seeing soul winning as merely that which happens when we witness to men and they believe in Christ. We fail to see that its an entire journey and fight of faith from when they first believe to when they receive the end of their faith even the salvation of their souls which goes with the redemption of the body at the appearing of Christ. Susceptibility To Deception. This misconception or shallow understanding of salvation is what makes men vulnerable and susceptible to the deception of the 'once saved forever saved' doctrine. It is the failure to see the full scope and range of the 'So Great Salvation' as presented in scriptures that gave birth to the blindness & pettiness of a casual reference to salvation as 'the simple gospel/message of salvation w...

Correcting/Speaking The Truth In Love.

Love is not vague or abstract, love is practical in dealing with issues.  One of the characteristics of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:6 is that love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. Love is thus not blind to iniquity, wrongs & falsehood but very discerning to distinguish between good and evil.  If we cannot discern/tell what is the truth and distinguish it from a lie then we're of all men most confused.  Concerning speaking the truth or correcting in love and not in anger, we often fail to see the jealousy, anger and wrath of love.  We often think love is anything that sounds good, positive, sweet/nice/smooth words. This preconceived notion is the reason why the hearts of the simple/undiscerning are easily deceived for when we think that whatever sounds nice, gentle, sweet and smooth must be love speaking we are already prone/open to deception. Romans 16:18    For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus C...

Scriptures Mostly Misunderstood/Misinterpreted Part 4.

Knowledge Puffeth Up (1 Corinthians 8:1) We often hear people quote a thread in the first verse of 1 Corinthians 8 which says "knowledge puffeth up" but it behoves us as students of the word of God to ask "what knowledge? What does the scripture in the context of 1 Corinthians 8 mean by knowledge puffeth up? It also behoves us to seek related scriptures that speak of the same for further confirmation of the contextual meaning, comparing scripture with scripture and spiritual with spiritual. Jeremiah 9  23   Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise  man  glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty  man  glory in his might, let not the rich  man  glory in his riches:  24   But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I  am  the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these  things  I delight, saith the LORD. 1 Cor...