In A Season Of Prophecy, On The Wings Of Another New Year's Eve.
Pollution In The Stream And Field Of Prophecy. In the murky waters of the religious, the souls of many have been misled to drown. However, of all the streams of ministerial gifts, none has been so polluted and contaminated like the prophetic stream. Satan knows that the sovereign and eternal will of God, is being driven through the course of time, on the wheels of prophecy; thus, he does everything possible to throw spikes and clogs into it, in order to impede and if possible, scuttle it's movement/advancement. Right from the beginning, prophecy has been the hub and wheel for the driving of the eternal counsel and will. Right there in Genesis, on the eve of the fall, we see God step into the garden on the wheels of prophecy; declaring that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent(Genesis 3:15). Also at the end, as captured in the book of Revelation, it will still be prophecy, thus the revelation/testimony of Jesus is unveiled as the spirit of ...