In Coats Of Grace. (Poetry)
In Coats Of Grace. In leaves of shame hid in trees 🌲 In coats of grace covered in love In the nakedness of purity they clave unashamed But in the way of disobedience they wore leaves and hid in shame. The woman deceived though her lust conceived The man received though his heart perceived The way of rebellion in full glare He yet opened to the whole race Led by the woman whom he was to lead A generation of iniquity was set to breed Eden they must now leave but not in leaves Coats of skins by love in blood streams Woven and spun for ashes of broken clay Redemption in pictures that speak of the day When the seed of the woman in streams of blood none could afford but God Spills his life in grace and love untold The serpents head in victory he crushed The bondage of death in him abolished Now the grace our hearts cannot but coats of Grace. ~ Paulchrisen Okey Okereke. Poem culled from my book 'The Mystery Of The Woman'